Tuesday 3 February 2015

Cute Newborn Babies Cute Babies Pictures With Love Quotes Wallpapers With Pink Dress Wallpapers Images With Purple Dress And Puppies

Cute Newborn Babies Biography

Source:- Google.com.pk

I’ve heard that some babies are born with teeth. Is this okay?
A baby born with teeth sounds like something from a horror movie, but it does happen! These kinds of teeth are called natal teeth, and they occur in about one in every 2,000 to 3,000 births, according to the National Institutes of Health. The teeth normally develop on the lower gum, are attached with soft tissue and don’t have strong roots. They’re different from neonatal teeth, which can grow in 30 days after birth. Your doctor might choose to remove baby’s teeth while he’s still in the hospital after delivery, because the teeth might be loose.
But if your doc doesn’t remove his natal teeth right away, expect a few minor problems. Baby might have trouble nursing, since his teeth will get in the way, or he might cut his tongue. And it won’t be a picnic for you if you’re nursing (ouch!). You’ll want to keep him clean by wiping his gums and teeth with a damp cloth daily. And in the meantime, take your baby to see a dentist to monitor his condition. Keep an eye on the condition and examine his gums and tongue to see if he’s getting any cuts. You’ll want to talk to baby’s doctor for teeth removal if you see these signs: his gums look injured, or his teeth are loose and he’s at risk of losing them and then choking on them.
If you’re worried that your toothy newborn will have a problem with dental development in the future, he should be fine. They’re just an extra round of teeth; your baby will still get his childhood and adult teeth.
Plus, more from The Bump:
When Should I Start Taking My Baby to the Dentist?
How do I Clean Baby's Teeth?
Why Are Baby's Teeth Coming in Crooked?
By Anita Chandra-Puri, MD, pediatrician with Northwestern Memorial Physicians Group and instructor of clinical pediatrics at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Can A Baby Be Too Sleepy?
It seems like my baby sleeps all the time. Could there be something wrong?
Your sleep-starved, new-mom friends may think you’re crazy, but it’s common for new parents to be surprised by how much their newborn babies sleep. Typically, it’s around 16 hours a day, but it could be 18 to 20 or more hours a day. It’s normal in the early months to have to wake your baby up for a feeding, and some babies happen to be more difficult to awaken than others. As long as he’s having good feedings and pooping and peeing enough (newborns should wet at least eight diapers a day; older babies who are sleeping through the night should wet at least four), it’s not a cause for concern. (Keep track of baby’s feedings and his wet diapers using this Input/Output Tracker.)
Q&A: Flu Shot For Baby?
Should my baby get a flu shot?
If baby is at least six months old, the government's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) says yes. Children age six months to five years are in the high risk category for flu complications, so immunization could literally be a life-saver.
Q&A: How Do I Care For The Umbilical Cord?
What's the best way to take care of the umbilical cord after birth?
"Umbilical cord care has changed dramatically over the last 20 years, with a less-is-more attitude adopted by most hospitals," says Paula Prezioso, MD, a doctor at Pediatric Associates of New York City and an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the NYU Medical School. "Originally, a triple dye solution was painted onto the cord at birth, which dried it quickly and allowed it to fall off within a week. This was replaced with the equally effective (and less staining) alcohol, which dried the cord in a week or two." 
Is Tv Bad For Baby?
I've heard it a million times: TV isn't good for baby. But why exactly? And are there other opinions on the topic?
Opinion #1: No TV!
Baby Skincare 101
You imagine a baby’s skin to be smooth, soft and to smell amazing. But in reality, it can be dry, flaky, sensitive and even have some funky discolorations — especially during the newborn period. Here’s the deal on how to care for your baby’s skin, including when it’s not as perfect as you may have expected.
Photo: Getty Images
What's The 4 Month Wakeful Period?
I've heard that babies can have a wakeful period at around four months, where a baby who's been sleeping fine all of a sudden starts waking during the month. Why does this happen, and how should I deal with it?
It's not uncommon for babies to start having sleep difficulties around their four-month birthday. This age marks a huge cognitive and emotional turning point for babies, as they become much more aware of — and interested in — the world around them. That means they'll sometimes want to play during the night. This is actually a good sign, because it means baby is bonding with you and having a good time during the day. However, it's challenging to cater to his desire to be with you around the clock.
Top 10 Breastfeeding Problems Solved
Leaks, cracks, clogs? Your top 10 feeding problems solved.
Photo: Getty Images
Can I Use Baby Wipes On My Newborn?
I've heard that newborns' skin is too sensitive for baby wipes, is this true? What should I use? And in general, what kind of baby wipe is best?
According to pediatrician Jennifer Shu, diaper wipes are just fine for newborns. The only exception is if baby develops redness or a rash (other than diaper rash), which is indicative of sensative skin. In that case, use cotton balls or squares (they'll probably give you some at the hospital) dipped in warm water. When baby is ready for regular wipes, choose ones that are alcohol-free and unscented to prevent irritation. If you do notice any irritation besides diaper rash, switch brands until you find one that doesn't cause a reaction. Talk with your pediatrician about any irritations that seem severe or don't seem to improve.
How Much Weight Should Baby Gain?
At what rate should my baby gain weight? When should I worry, in terms of gaining too much or too little?
Most babies actually lose weight in the first week after birth. As long as yours is feeding well, making urine and stool, and doesn't drop more than 10% of birth weight, this isn't a problem. By two weeks, I expect a baby to return to birth weight. The average baby then gains about one ounce per day for the first month, and about one or two pounds a month until month six. Most babies double their birth weight by five or six months, and triple it by a year. Remember, though, these are averages. It's perfectly normal for an otherwise healthy baby to vary from these standards. I start to worry if a newborn loses more than 10% of birth weight, isn't making at least three or four wet diapers per day, doesn't seem satisfied after feedings, or doesn't get back to birth weight by two weeks.
Vaccinations: What Baby Will Need
Every mom's must-have cheat sheet to the 8 most common vaccines.
Photo: Thinkstock / The Bump
New Mom Survival Guide
Got a newborn on your hands? Get answers to all your must-know questions about bringing home baby.
Your Baby Is 5 Weeks Old!
Baby's now able to respond to specific sounds, so you'll soon find out whether he prefers the Beastie Boys or Bach. Don't get too concerned about high-level educational material quite yet, though — your cuddling, singing, and conversation are all he needs to learn at this point. Baby's neck muscles are also developing — he might even be able to hold up his head and turn it for short periods.
Photo: Christine Sandrock of Simply Bloom Photography / The Bump

Cute Newborn Babies Cute Babies Pictures With Love Quotes Wallpapers With Pink Dress Wallpapers Images With Purple Dress And Puppies
Cute Newborn Babies Cute Babies Pictures With Love Quotes Wallpapers With Pink Dress Wallpapers Images With Purple Dress And Puppies
Cute Newborn Babies Cute Babies Pictures With Love Quotes Wallpapers With Pink Dress Wallpapers Images With Purple Dress And Puppies
Cute Newborn Babies Cute Babies Pictures With Love Quotes Wallpapers With Pink Dress Wallpapers Images With Purple Dress And Puppies
Cute Newborn Babies Cute Babies Pictures With Love Quotes Wallpapers With Pink Dress Wallpapers Images With Purple Dress And Puppies
Cute Newborn Babies Cute Babies Pictures With Love Quotes Wallpapers With Pink Dress Wallpapers Images With Purple Dress And Puppies
Cute Newborn Babies Cute Babies Pictures With Love Quotes Wallpapers With Pink Dress Wallpapers Images With Purple Dress And Puppies
Cute Newborn Babies Cute Babies Pictures With Love Quotes Wallpapers With Pink Dress Wallpapers Images With Purple Dress And Puppies
Cute Newborn Babies Cute Babies Pictures With Love Quotes Wallpapers With Pink Dress Wallpapers Images With Purple Dress And Puppies
Cute Newborn Babies Cute Babies Pictures With Love Quotes Wallpapers With Pink Dress Wallpapers Images With Purple Dress And Puppies
Cute Newborn Babies Cute Babies Pictures With Love Quotes Wallpapers With Pink Dress Wallpapers Images With Purple Dress And Puppies

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